27th International Competition for Early Music YAMANASHI

YAMANASHI, Japan May 2, 3 & 4, 2014

27th International Competition for Early Music

YAMANASHI, Japan May 2, 3 & 4, 2014

Categories :

  • 1) Keyboard (Harpsichord or Fortepiano.)
  • 2) Ensemble (Two period melodic Instruments of the same family, two lutes.)

Repertoire (The Jury will select the pieces or excerpts to be performed)


・Choose repertoire for harpsichord or fortepiano. You may play some pieces for harpsichord on pianoforte, or vice-versa (Repeats at the discretion of the performer, total duration about 45 minutes)


① Byrd : Praeludium in a (Fitzwilliam no. 100) and Fantasia in a (Fitzwilliam no. 52)
J.J.Froberger : Partita in e (FbWV 607)
③ J.-H. d’Anglebert – J.=B.Lully : Ouverture de Cadmus ; Ritournelle des Fées de Rolland ; Chaconne de Phaeton
④ D.Scarlatti : Sonatas in f (K 185 / 184)
W.F.Bach : Sonata in G (FK 7)
⑥ (for the finals) C.P.E.Bach : Concerto in B (Wq 28), the first movement
Edition : The Packard Humanities Institute Edition III/9.9 (Keyboard Concertos from Manuscript Sources IX)


W.F.Bach : Sonata in G (FK 7)
C.P.E.Bach : Fantasie in C (Wq 59/6)
③ J.Haydn : Variation (Hob XVII:2) either in G (composed in 1765) or first edition in A(1788/89))
④ M.Clementi : Sonata in g (Op.34-2) , the first movement
⑤ own choice, about 10 minutes
⑥ (for the finals) W.A.Mozart : Piano Concerto in Es no.14 (K.449),
The first movement(chamber edition) Edition : Bärenreiter (BA 4871)


・Compile an own-choice program of about thirty minutes, choosing repertoire
from middle ages through Classical era.
  (Applicants may compile their program from one or more periods as desired.)

Instruments available

・The committee provides three harpsichords
Two double-manual harpsichords (A415) in different types
One Italian harpsichord (A415)

・The committee provides one fortepiano
Five-octave Dulcken model(FF- g3, 63 keys)
with knee-operated damper and hand stop moderator (A430)

Note : The committee will arrange ensemble practice time for Keyboard finalists on May 3 & 4.

Terms of Entry

a) The competition is open to anyone, regardless of age, nationality or experience
・Application period : 1.3. 2014 – 28.3. 2014

b) Applicants must submit the following :
・Completed application form
・List of pieces, including the duration of each piece & utilized instruments
・For the Keyboard category , six copies of own choice piece in either A4 or B5 format
・For the Ensemble category, six copies of all scores in either A4 or B5 format,
each piece bound separately

(Application form, Program and Copies of music must be sent together and
received by March 28,2014 at latest)

c) A registration fee of JPY 10.000 must be paid by March 28. 2014
Credit Post Office a/c# 00220 – 8 – 19023 (kokusai kogakukonku-ru yamanashi jikkouiinkai)
Important : If overseas applicants have difficulty sending money to Japan, please contact the committee first !

d) Application should be sent to :
Ms Tsuneko ARAKAWA
International Competition for Early Music, Yamanashi
〒221-0002 Oguchidori 137-5 Kanagawaku, Yokohama-City, JAPAN
Tel/ Fax (81) 45-421-0502, E-Mail eterna nifty.com

Competition Schedule (Both rounds are open to the public for free)

Venue : Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hall, Kofu etc.
Preliminary Round May 2 & 3, 2014(Exact details will be informed after the closing date)
Final Round 12:30- about 16:00 May 4, 2014

Commendation (immediately after the judging on May 4, 2014)

Prizes (for each Category)
1st Prize (UEHARA Prize) JPY 400,000 + gift
2nd Prize JPY 200.000 + gift
3rd Prize JPY 100,000 + gift

Juries of both categories
ARIMURA, Yuske (chairperson of Keyboard category)
OHTAKE, Naoyuki (chairperson of Ensemble category)
Glen Wilson ; OGURA, Kikuko ; TAKAHASHI, Miki


・Applicants of both categories must be in Kofu by the early afternoon of May 2, 2014
to prepare for and participate in the preliminary round etc.
・Further details will be sent by post after the application closing date (March 28, 2014)

Organized by the Committee of the International Competition for Early Music, YAMANASHI

Sponsor : INDENYA UEHARA Yuhshichi
Supporters : Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kofu, University of YAMANASHI
YAMANASHI Nichinichi-Shinbunsha, YAMANASHI Hohsoh